Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Khaki and pearls, order up

This was a big weekend.

It was the one-year anniversary of my knee surgery, which I celebrated with NJL, LA and ML jazzercizing my ass off. And I only had to use the ice pack afterwards for 10 minutes. Not bad. And a far cry from a year ago -- no epidural, no cutting, no hospital gown. And no messy, tear-filled recovery, either.

But that's not the biggest deal. After a few days in Boston for work (and a great Leafs-Bruins game) we spent the weekend in the Woon hanging out with friends and family. We saw John Hiatt (awesome), went to Ikea (not as awesome but more useful vis a vis our kitchen) and then we firmly established ourselves as members of the suburban cabal. We bought, in short order, a grill (if this isn't it, it's close: and then a second car. A second motherflipping car! My sister's 1998 Chevy Cavalier has been requiring a steady cash infusion each of the past few months to stay road ready, and the end looked to be near. Enter the new vehicle: a 2003 five-speed VW Jetta, with lowish mileage and a superfan owner (hi Shane!). However, it costs pennies, apparently, to maintain a second car once you've committed to the first, so we're keeping the Cav for now for me to use on the weekends. Plus side: yoga! Friends in Brooklyn! Free reign over Westchester! Downside: all that money. And, of course, full leaving behind all pretense that we're not suburban to the core.

But as my mom said as I walked around Target: "How much is freedom worth?" (No matter the cost, I think I know what it tastes like. And that taste is delicious, wood-fired burgers.)

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